

Follow the Action: Stratis Dashboard App Released

This week we have a small addition to the Stratis ecosystem: the Stratis Dashboard App. The Stratis Dashboard App will keep you informed on trading activity, alerts and notifications from the development team.
With this app you can track the average price variation of Stratis across various exchanges, and you can monitor the performance of your personal portfolio. Helping you stay on top of all the news, and be the first to receive Stratis related alerts.

Some of the features included in this release of the Stratis Dashboard App include:

  • Portfolio performance dashboard
  • Multi-currency converter
  • Price Alerts
  • News and notifications from Stratis team

You can visit: where you will find download buttons for iTunes (Mac iOS) and Google Play (Android) app stores. Alternative you can search for Stratis directly in your app store.
You may need to authorize Push notifications in your device in order to receive alerts.
Stratis Dashboard App
Stratis Dashboard App, Download the FREE App Today!
Acknowledgement: Thanks to the Stratis community member @alifar for completing this project for us on time, on budget and with the usual top quality.
Stratis Dashboard App is provided as is, with no specific guarantees or claims of exactitude of the information provided. Please check alternative sources for information or contact the Stratis team for support.

Breaking News: Stratis Mines 1st POS Block in C#

Hello Stratis!
We wanted to share with you a major milestone achieved by Stratis development.
We are happy to announce that we have mined the first Proof-of-stake block on the Stratis testnet blockchain utilizing our C# Full node.
This is the first documented and tested instance of a Proof-of-stake blockchain block mined in C#. Now the developers will combine the full node with the wallet layer developed for Breeze, our full node with POS will then be ready for a test release in approximately a week from now.

After this technical breakthrough, we still have a series of activities until we can have the first test releases to the community for comments and evaluation. Major tasks following this first achievement are:
Peer Reviews
3rd party audit
Industry expert audit (C# /.net)
This event puts us well ahead in our development plans according to our road map. Follow us in Slack and join our different development channels. We invite experts and developers interested in participating in the different stages of this process to create the most secure and popular C# POS Digital currency.

Mission Consensus 2017

We took the opportunity of the gathering of blockchain entrepreneurs, developers and investors at Consensus 2017 to kickstart our funding activities for the BaaS and consultancy areas of our business. It proved to be a very timely decision as the show was pretty much a showcase of existing and upcoming ICOs and many other business opportunities available to us in the market.
As we have mentioned a few days ago, Stratis Group Ltd. has secured the services of renowned blockchain entrepreneur Marshall Swatt, initially in the capacity of Strategic Advisor, to help us evaluate the different options we have been presented and the new opportunities and challenges. His first task – help us evaluate a series of proposals and perform due diligence on some of them with the goal of determining their suitability to our business goals.
Based on his initial assessment, we feel very optimistic about the frameworks and legal support offered by platforms such as Argon Group – recommended to us by Blockchain Capital’s Brock Pierce, read more here and here.
At the same time, we are also performing due diligence on BnkToTheFuture (very attractive in terms of reach and capabilities) as well the traditional VCs that have presented investment offers (such as Seraph.VC and others). With all these opportunities we feel confident that shortly we will be announcing a final selection and officially open our funding round.
On the regulatory side of things, we also had some very interesting meetings with experts and practicing lawyers that will help us sort out present and future legal hurdles we may face. We are following up conversations to secure the services of world class experts, including a former US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) prosecutor, as well as specialists from very prestigious global legal teams in the areas of investment, corporate governance and intellectual property protection. All this, is done with the idea of guaranteeing a solid legal framework that reassures investors and customers of the stability and sustainability of our operation in an environment of rising compliance challenges.
In the next few weeks we will share with the community more details on how things evolve on each of these important areas. Stay tuned!

Stratis Developers Roadmap and Update (June 2017)

On this Special Update:

  • Stratis Developers Report
  • First Breeze Wallet Transaction
  • Revised Stratis roadmap

We are happy to report our consistent progress on the development of the Stratis Breeze and related Stratis Platform components. Additionally, we would like to share some highlights from our go to market strategy, to give you an idea of key messages and direction of the Stratis project.
For this special update, we asked our developers to tell first hand what they have been busy with, their accomplishments, present and future challenges.
We start with our Core Tech Developer, Dan Gershony. Besides helping orchestrate the overall development effort at Stratis, Dan is currently focused on finalizing the core nodes infrastructure and POS system.

Under the immense pressure to deliver a lot of complex tech and the shortage of time I feel we are doing well, the C# Fullnode is becoming mature with many of the major components such as the mempool, blockstore and our network builder complete. With POW mining and POS staking as the last barrier, we can soon go into beta and start optimisation and testing cycles. With the FN in beta we can start on the really interesting stuff like sidechains and smart contracts.

Some of the specific tasks that Dan has overseen include:
Done – Consensus validation of POS
Next – Staking/Mining functionality, currently on collecting transactions from the mempool to add to a block to be mined. POW (mining) is already done next is POS (staking).

Done – Creating an HD wallet according to the BIP44 specification and address derivation (coin, account, change, address), Tracking of address balances, retrieving address history, persist wallet to disk, build and broadcast a transaction.
Next – Adding support for the stratis network, test and performance optimisation
Done – Most endpoints to call the Breeze api are complete.
Next – Adding both Stratis and Bitcoin tabs (whenever ready) and mainly working on the design.

Breeze Wallet Update

We want to start this Breeze update, with celebrating the great progress we are seeing in our project in terms of functionality and UI.
As we are preparing this note, we are happy to report the First bitcoin testnet transaction from inside Breeze wallet (as you can see in the picture below). Please note this is not yet a tumbled TX, but still very cool and it shows the progress we are achieving on a daily basis.

Jeremy, Dan and Pieterjan have been working hard on making Breeze the best wallet possible. Thanks to their efforts we have already advanced in the development of key functionalities :

  • Creating and restoring a wallet.
  • Syncing wallet with the network.
  • Display of history of transactions
  • Calculation of balance for accounts


  • Building and sending of transactions (Partially completed!)


  • Encryption of the wallets files
  • Performance and testing review
  • Packaging of the solution.

In the words of Jeremy:

Once the above tasks are done, we still need to do some testing. Hopefully we’ll get lots of help from the community for this bit. Everything is going very smoothly, and between the dev, the UI and design teams, we’re making excellent progress.

  • Pieterjan has been working on the GUI for Breeze wallet. Together with our UI designers they have put together an amazing experience for our Breeze wallet:

The above GUI Breeze Wallet images are just a mockup and some features may not be available by the time of first public alpha release.

  • Layout (structure) of the wallet
  • Navigation between elements
  • Connection with the backend
  • Create and restore a wallet
  • Show balance, receive address, transactions


  • Error handling
  • Restructure to fit the design mockup


  • Building/sending transactions with the UI
  • Input validation
  • Styling

I’m sure we’ll get a lot of feedback on the GUI and together with the GUI designers we already have a lot of things planned for V2.
Our CEO, Chris Trew, has been busy looking into the different aspects of our roadmap and opportunities around Cloud Stratis and Azure. We have produced an updated version of the roadmap that reflects both our main development activities, as well as go to market activities for the remaining of 2017. The roadmap and corresponding milestone definitions will be posted and made available via our Wiki soon

Cloud Stratis Project and Microsoft Azure:
We are currently working on integrating Microsoft’s Azure into our Cloud Stratis Project, so that we can utilize the infrastructure capabilities of Microsoft’s offering and achieve deeper integration with Microsoft’s business units and partner programs. We are also working on completing Azure Certification for some key components of our platform. In the coming weeks Stratis will hire a developer that will be dedicated to Cloud Stratis development, this person will have extensive experience with the Azure architecture and APIs. The plan is to have a Proof of concept for Stratis Platform deployed on the Azure platform by the end of Q2.
Breeze Nodes (MasterNodes):
Breeze Nodes will be available for private testing by future node operators soon. Extensive testing on the Bitcoin testnet will be completed in preparation for the production release of the Breeze wallet. We aim to hire a dedicated developer to work solely on TumbleBit and the Stratis Privacy Protocol. We will have separate posts and details about Breeze Nodes as we move closer to release.
Developer Code on Stratis Wiki:
Finally, we want to recommend all developers to visit our Wiki, where we have enabled an area where we plan to share code samples and documentation to help you get started with development on the Stratis platform.

Stratis Miami Roundup

During the past week the Stratis top management gathered together with advisors, consultants and subject matter experts to discuss strategy and major projects. We had very productive sessions to align our strategy and our execution for the exciting times ahead.
Some of the topics covered during our meetings include:

  • Evaluated and approved roadmap and future platform architecture. We will provide a snapshot shortly.
  • Approved initial plan, proposal and pitch for VC funding.
  • We agreed to further discuss terms and initiate submission to BanktotheFuture and another unnamed VC group, after receipt and final approval of deliverable.
  • Working already with one unnamed VC to secure funding. For the next few weeks we’ll be working on adjusting valuation and negotiating terms.
  • Evaluating new options to target blue chip VC funding to invite them to participate in funding as well.
  • Aligned Cloud Stratis and Azure efforts. Approved strategy towards MSFT. We are in talks with the Azure team to get Stratis Solutions Azure Certified as a first step in collaboration. Will be putting more resources immediately on Azure deployment to execute Azure strategy. Hiring Azure Developer.
  • Discussed and approved go to market plan 2017-2018

Additionally we had a very productive round of meetings with market experts that provided great insights and opened up right away amazing opportunities for Stratis:
Magdalena Ramada S (
Follow up: PoC / potential partnerships
Marshall Swatt (
Follow up: Advisory role / VC Funding Consultancy
Stay tuned this week for more details as well as news on development of the Stratis Platform.
The Stratis Team

Stratis announces first ‘Master Nodes’


Stratis Group Ltd. has just revealed initial details of the upcoming Breeze Nodes infrastructure release. The blockchain company, that has created one of the most innovative cryptographic tokens – Stratis ($STRAT). Will soon be offering an economic incentive to node operators to participate in securing different types of on-chain and off-chain transactions for the Breeze Wallet. As well as for blockchain apps and services for corporate clients.
The first iteration of the Breeze Tumbler Node (often referred to as a “Master Node”) will see their application supporting the Breeze Wallet, where they will help execute Bitcoin and Stratis TumbleBit transactions. These will have hybrid functionality running both Bitcoin and Stratis full nodes that provide additional services to the network.
There will be future releases of other forms of Stratis Nodes providing functionality, such as:

  • Payment Node – Payment Channels
  • Side-Chain Node – Hybrid Side chain special features
  • Identity Node – Identity management node

A Breeze Tumbler Node can be operated by anyone that meets the minimum protocol requirements. Some of those requirements include:

  • An operator will be required to sign a transaction with an account that has 250,000 STRAT or more.
  • For BTC tumbling transactions, an operator will also need to have 5 BTC or more held in reserve to be able to process payments. The more bitcoin held in reserve, the more payments theoretically can be processed.
  • Server hosts will need to provide a minimum amount of storage capacity (details TBA). It is recommended that your Breeze Node be available 24×7 in order to opt for the most transactions and potential fees.

Breeze Tumbler Nodes will operate in a totally decentralized and trustless manner, meaning that no one can steal the funds trusted to the network. Additionally, the STRAT required to operate a node can be stored on a Ledger Wallet or on offline backup. The private key to the users STRAT address is only required during registration with the Stratis Node network.
The BTC in reserves will need to be in a wallet on the node, as it is required to sign the transactions when processing the tumbler transactions.
Full instructions and documentation will be released in due course and made available via the Stratis Wiki. The intention is to make it near one-click, so operators do not have to deal with configuration files. Our developers will be ready to assist you with any issues you may encounter.
Rewards to the Breeze Node operators will be paid in the form of a transaction fee (estimated at 1%) paid by Breeze users directly to the Breeze Node that processes their TumbleBit transaction. This fee amount and its distribution may vary for specific implementations of the Breeze Node depending on the type of applications and services.

Depending on the operator’s jurisdiction there may be legal and tax related specific requirements and/or restrictions. We highly recommend all operators seek proper advice before operating a Breeze Node. This is a decentralized network not managed, controlled or administered by Stratis Group Ltd.
The Breeze Tumbler Nodes are expected to go live before the end of Q2 2017, by the time of the release to production of the Breeze Wallet.
If you have any questions please contact the team by joining our Discord.

Learn About Stratis in the New Wiki

Good news for all us! On occasion of our participation at the C# Corner Annual Conference 2017 in New Delhi, India, we would like to present the first version of the Stratis Wiki.
Brought to you by the efforts of our Stratis Academy in collaboration with members of our community, we have put together a basic structure of what we expect to be the most fundamental repository of documentation and research of the Stratis technology and developments. This will be a welcomed tool for the countless developers we expect to make aware and onboard on the Stratis Platform in the years to come. We consider this a fundamental instrument in making available technical know-how for developers wishing to explore our technology, services and capabilities.
We expect it will also be a nice source of information for our existing community members, as well as new comers and investors interested in learning the specifics and the business applications and potential of our technology. The new Stratis Wiki can be accessed here:
We invite our community to use it and propose comments and amendments. To this effect we are opening a #stratiswiki channel to the public in our Slack where you can initially post your comments and suggestions. There will be bounties and special recognition to collaborators and for those who help us put together informative and technical articles for the Stratis Wiki.
Thanks to Phil (@daddy) for his effort and help putting this together. Also @alpho2k, @dlow, @khilone, @krushang and other members of the team & community for your help with this.

Stratis Bitcoin Full Node in C# Goes Live

Stratis Group Ltd. announced this week that it has officially released the Alpha version of the Stratis Bitcoin Full Node. Built on Stratis Mainnet, it will give developers from around the world, the possibility of building the most advanced blockchain applications by incorporating capabilities from the Stratis Privacy, Security and Identity Protocol.

Building the Blocks

Stratis has adopted a modular approach to the development process of the Stratis Application Framework, a streamlined approach for faster and incremental releases.
On this regard, the Stratis Bitcoin Full Node plays an essential role as the foundation upon which other modules of the Stratis blockchain solutions can be easily and rapidly assembled into the most basic demo or the most sophisticated financial application.
This update released from the Stratis Development team includes the addition of key components to the Stratis Bitcoin Full Node, namely:

  • Mempool
  • Network
  • Blockstore

In addition, the Stratis Full Node has been activated on the Mainnet, providing a full SDK that allows developers to start testing their blockchain apps on live blockchain conditions.

Stratis Privacy, Authenticity and Identity Protocol
Currently under development, the Stratis Privacy, Authenticity and Identity protocol, includes capabilities inherited from the Tumblebit integration into Stratis, such as, enhanced privacy and off-chain transactions support.
Stratis plans to release several proof-of-concept projects this year, together with some strategic partners, in which to showcase these advanced features. The Stratis Privacy Protocol, an integration of the Tumblebit on the Stratis Full Node and Bitcoin networks, will be the first proof of concept offering a long awaited enhanced and secure privacy solution for cryptocurrencies. Currently being implemented into the Breeze Wallet, Stratis plans to extend its application to authentication and identity solutions for the enterprise and major corporate clients.
These implementations are not only positive additions to the Stratis portfolio of technological advancements, but also will serve as a production environment where latest improvements to the Bitcoin network can be tested.

Integration with C# and .Net Core Tools

Written with C# and .Net Core developers in mind, the Stratis Bitcoin Full Node opens to developers from around the world the opportunity to start developing blockchain applications within a familiar environment for them and their clients. If you are a C# developer, and would like to start coding your first blockchain app, we invite you to join our Slack. Our developers there will be more than happy to guide you and help you get started with the installation and operation of the Stratis Bitcoin Full Node.
We also want to take this opportunity to invite developers to attend our presentations and meet with us at the C# Annual Conference in India. This is one of the major C# / .Net developers events in the world, and we are thrilled to be presenting Stratis to such reputable audience.
A Blockchain is made of many components, from a Full Node that validates blocks to a Wallet that tracks addresses. Our objective is to offer a set of Nuget packages, from which an implementer can cherry pick what he/she needs. On this regard, we have made available a Nuget for the Alpha Release that can be found here.

The Road Ahead

The Stratis team has plans to add many more features on top of the Stratis Bitcoin Full Node. Starting with a sleek GUI for Stratis Wallet (due in aprox. 4 weeks) and later for the Breeze Wallet (due in aprox, 8 weeks), we are methodically putting together the pieces for the most advanced features to be offered on the Stratis Platform: POS/DPOS, Sidechains, Private/Permissioned blockchain, Compiled Smart Contracts, etc. These features, will undoubtedly bring us closer to offer purpose-built Blockchain solutions in a very short time-frame.
Included in this release (V1.0.1-alpha)

  • Stabilizing the consensus validation and block download code.
  • Signaling of new blocks and transactions that are discovered on the network.
  • Block Store is stand alone:
  • Store can respond to GetData payloads enabling FullNode capabilities.
  • Push blocks in batches to disk.
  • Download missing blocks from the network (catch-up mode).
  • Broadcast blocks to peers using Inv or Header payload
  • Cache store for faster block reads.
  • Memory Pool:
  • Async lock free implementation of the memory pool.
  • Logic and tests pulled form core.
  • Broadcast transactions to peers.
  • Fee estimation.
  • Introducing the Builder Pattern:
  • Build a full node in an easy and familiar builder pattern in a modular approach.
  • Support for creating new features inject-able to the full node.
  • Dependency Injection
  • Testing
  • Adding many more unit tests
  • A separate integration test project
  • Full Block SPV
  • Laying the grounds for a full block spv (for Breeze wallet)


Project Repository:
Getting Started / Installation Guide:


We would like to thank Nicolas Dorier for all of his work for the Stratis Bitcoin Full Node. Also we would like to thank our other team members Dan Gershony, Pieterjan Van Hoof and Jeremy Bokobza for their outstanding work on the different modules. Special mention to our collaboration with Adam Ficsor as well as other participants from the Tumblebit project, which have been actively supporting the implementation. And last but certainly not least we would like to thank our community members for helping testing the Stratis Bitcoin Full Node and providing support to our team.

Seraph VC to Advise Stratis Group on VC Fund Raising Strategy

Stratis Group is proud to announce it’s currently working with Seraph in defining our VC funding strategy going forward. Seraph was introduced to Stratis Group as part of the activities from our Escalate Group partners.
Seraph is a private network of global investors and entrepreneurs targeting innovative investment and business opportunities.
Seraph has assisted multiple cryptocurrency projects prepare for, and get access to venture capital funding, which will help Stratis Group narrow its scope and prepare a targeted investment report, while gaining access to the most favorable terms and extended investment networks.
The consultant team that will be working with Stratis Group includes:
Vitalie Eremia
Mr. Eremia is a CFA charterholder specializing in equity research (private and public equity), corporate finance and valuation. He has over ten years of equity research experience and accounting, and has prepared equity research reports in a wide range of industries (including but not limited to IT, biotechnology, hi-tech, software, telecom, energy and minerals, consumer goods, financial and others). He has extensive experience in financial modeling, valuation and industry research.
At Seraph he works closely with startups during the due diligence stage and prepares investment reports for investors. The job involves asking uncomfortable questions, questioning the answers, and putting a value on pre-revenue operations.
Kyle Gonzales

Senior Director @Red Hat ; Board Member @Mohio ; Advisory Board @APIMATIC
Advisor; Advisor @Value Innovation Technologies
Mark Moline
Managing Partner at
Mr. Moline has been a private equity investor for over 15 years, focused on early-stage companies in both the developed and emerging markets. He has invested into nearly 75 private placements and advised dozens of companies over the past 20 years.
Specialties: Capital Markets, Trading, Venture Capital and Angel Investing, Emerging and Frontier Markets Investing.
According to Chris Trew, Founder and CEO of Stratis Group:

“Working with Seraph will help us get a strong VC pitch in place, with solid financial projections and business assumptions that will help to ensure we obtain the best terms and access to a large pool of financing options. We are confident that with Seraph’s assistance we will meet our funding goals.”

Stratis Group Partners with Escalate Group

We are proud to announce that Stratis Group has officially signed a partnership agreement with Escalate Group, from Florida, U.S.A. For the past few months our team has been working with Escalate Group on designing an exponential growth strategy, and we are finally at a point where we feel confident they are the best fit to lead the efforts that will help Stratis Group achieve its ambitious goals in the short and long term.
To this aim we have formalized a partnership and invited Escalate Group’s Cesar Castro to join Stratis Group’s Advisory Board with the idea of moving to the next stages of the implementation of the growth strategy.
Escalate Group will assist Stratis Group on defining a sound business strategy to create the basis of a solid organization, generate business opportunities, increase the company valuation and eventually attract investors.
By partnering with Escalate Group, Stratis gains reach to a world-class team of executives with deep understanding of different business and technology areas and an impressive network of contacts, including finance, marketing, business development, exponential growth and business strategy.
Lead by Cesar Castro, Escalate Group has put at the disposal of Stratis Group a vast network of experts including:
Kent Langley
Kent is an advisor in the areas of the application of exponential technologies, technology operations, scalable process and FTI member support. A serial entrepreneur for over 20 years, Kent Langley is also an educator, speaker, father and author. His massive transformative purpose is to Apply Technology for Humanity.
Michal Monit (ExO Community)
Michal lives and breathes ideas. He has a background in energy, engineering & research, but he’s now maneuvering at the intersection of design, innovation, data and entrepreneurship, as an ExO Coach and Consultant. Michal lived, worked and studied in Portugal, Iceland, Japan, US, Poland and the UK. He holds a PhD in Sustainable Energy Systems, from MIT Portugal, is an alumnus of Singularity University’s GSP’12, and a Fellow of Kairos Society and Thousand Network / Sandbox.
Farnaz Ghadaki (ExO Community)
Farnaz is a strategist and innovator with multi-disciplinary skillsets in a variety of industries including space, telecom, wireless, electronic manufacturing, and real estate development. Her expertise include business development, strategic partnerships, product lifecycle management, project management, solutions marketing, and event management. Farnaz serves as Board of Directors, Board of Advisors, and committee member for several non-profit organizations including a Think Tank Accelerator. She has authored several published papers and been a speaker at various global conferences. Farnaz is an alumnus of Singularity University (GSP13), International Space University (SSP11), and University of Toronto (B.Eng).
Olga Calvache
Olga is Founder and Managing Partner of EscalateGroup. She is an expert on mobile marketing and related technologies, a consultant to content and service providers and independent leader on marketing strategy, online market research and digital marketing. Formerly Olga was Managing Director at FocusMovil, and previously worked in Information Technology Services and Telecommunications. Olga holds an MBA degree in International Business from The University of Dallas, a Master degree in Marketing and a Computer Science degree, both from Universidad EAFIT.
Nayib Kiuhan
Nayib is the CTO of Netbeam and a Senior Consultant at EscalateGroup. Nayib has over 20 years’ experience overseeing Wireless Telecommunication teams on a global basis, with focus in Latin-American with Nokia products, and Nextel International consultant for deployments in Asia and South America. He has always enjoyed new and innovative technologies that solve real world problems. With a dose of curiosity, hard work, and some luck he has been able to identify and then evangelize innovative technologies throughout his career. From the early days in the wireless industry, to Machine-to-Machine, and now the Internet of Things, he has created and led successful technical teams and business development initiatives. Since 2016, Nayib has been interested in blockchain linked with IoT and other fields to resolve problems that other technologies fall short on.

In the words of Chris Trew, CEO and Founder of Stratis Group:
The partnership with Escalate Group has sparked an exponential growth mindset in our organization. The amount and the quality of resources and connections they are making available to Stratis Group is really mind blowing. I have no doubt that with their help we will reach far beyond our wildest expectations in terms of potential growth and increased value for our organization.

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